Joint Administration Starts Work

Following last weeks historic decision to work cross party with other political groups and independent councillors, I realised we hadn’t updated on our new positions.

Amanda is now the leader of the Council and I am Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Climate Change, whilst Mamie is Chairing one of our most important committees – Corporate Parenting:

The Panel has the following responsibilities:

1. To ensure that the Council acts as a good corporate parent to children and young people in care and care leavers, including:

•           Young people in residential care

•           Children and young people in foster care

•           Children placed for adoption

•           Children placed at home under Placement with Parents Regulations

•           Young people who are living in supported lodgings

•           Young people in secure services

•           Young people in custody

2. To engage and listen to the views of children, young people and their carers for whom the Council is the parent.

3. To work in partnership with other statutory agencies to drive forward improvements in care.

4. To act as the governing body for the Virtual School for looked after children and young people.

5. To act as the governing body for Aycliffe secure services, monitoring and ensuring the quality of secure accommodation, education and care.

Back to my portfolio – Neighbourhoods and Climate Change, which includes:

Relationships with Town and Parish Councils
Community Development
Community Facilities
Neighbourhood Streetscene
Climate change
Environment  Policy, including sustainability
Environment, Health and Consumer  Protection
Waste Management
Bereavement services 

Of course underneath all these titles is the finer detail like sorting out flytipping, getting bins emptied and much much more.

After 100 years of the Council being run by Labour, we have certainly entered a new era. Let us know your views and of course continue to get in touch about all the local issues.

We may have new roles but we still have our old roles too, improving our area and helping you wherever we can.

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