Two power cuts today, one at 15.57, another at 1649. NPG say will be fully sorted by six tonight.
Any small groups needing funding?
As councillors we have a pot of money each year which we can provide to small community groups. Over the years we have contributed to for example:
Luncheon club for elderly residents, local grass roots football teams, environmental groups, disability charities, schools, community associations,youth groups, sports groups, craft groups, to name a few.
If there is a project your group is looking at or a local group you think may need some help please get in touch. We may be able to assist with grants of £50 to £250 or help find matched funding or help with fund raising if larger amounts are needed.
County Plan and concerns about our planning department
At Cabinet yesterday, a report was agreed which outlines the situation regarding development whilst we are stuck waiting for the outcome of the County Plan debacle. This entire mess is the making of the Labour Party at County Hall for failing to listen to anyone.
I asked yesterday if with hindsight Cabinet should have met to discuss the decision to go to judicial review and once again it was clear they are in denial on this issue. It was simply unacceptable to use the excuse of timing, not to bring such an important decision before Cabinet to allow the public and back bench councillors to question them and to hear their debate and reasoning.
The report it has to be said was very welcoming and can be seen here:
it sets out the weight which should be given to the local plans of the former districts, to the National policy Framework and to the County Plan and does provide some reassurances on most points that planning officers are still able to control development in the County.
However there are still concerns about the march of further unnecessary, inappropriate student developments in and around the City, which Cllr Nigel Martin challenged. it was confirmed that a further document would be brought forward to Cabinet in the coming months, but I am sure it will not be enough.
As always in County Durham, this means we need to keep a keen eye on applications coming forward to make sure not just that they are acceptable, but that afterwards, what was said is actually implemented – over and over again we see promises made at planning committees and in reports failing to match up with what ends up on the ground, and I continue to be concerned as to the way in which our planning department is run.
Bonkers flats plan delayed
Dryburn House Demolition and New Accident and Emergency
At the Central and East planning committee today, the demolition of Dryburn House, which is a 19th Century Manor House in the grounds of the University Hospital was agreed.
This will allow for the expansion of the Accident and Emergency, which since the closing of Bishop Auckland A and E under Labour, has become busier and busier.
At the end of the meeting I raised with the senior representative from the NHS Trust the critical need for better parking provision at the hospital as part of any plans. There appears to be an acceptance that something needs to be done, and he suggested the possibility of a multi storey car park on the site.
The application for the expansion of the A and E may be upto a year off submission, but you can be sure that I will be pushing hard for a big expansion of parking and a proper travel plan and reconsideration of the current parking charges for staff.
Hospital staff are parking further and further away from the hospital to avoid parking charges and the lack of capacity and it continues to have an adverse affect to the wider community.
Paint, road chippings and lack of maintenance – Drains at Bek Road traffic lights fixed today!!
For quite some time now, every time it rains, there is a big pool of water at the Bek Road/Finchale Road traffic lights.
Today, after another brief downpour the road and this time the pavement too were flooded. I called on the local highways inspector and asked for a quick response from the gulley cleansing wagon.
Our inspector did a great job clearing the top of the drain, only for me to discover that there was another drain gulley completely blocked a few meters away. The council gulley team turned up within the hour and cleared this second drain, which it turned out had a big chunk of solidified road marking paint blocking it:
Whilst they were doing this and the water had dispersed I noticed a stick pointing up out of the road a few meters further along. It turned out there was another drain gulley, but this one was blocked over the top and then covered in yellow road surface gravel and dirt, so as to render it invisible.
So we went from one blocked gulley to three and on to three cleared gullies – so hopefully now an end to the repeated flooding at this location.
Great job done by the local inspector today and by the gully cleansing team and manager.
Some questions I will be passing to the head of technical services however:
Why were all three gullies blocked? Where on earth did all that solidified road marking paint come from? How often should these gullies be cleared? And most importantly how often ARE they being checked and do we really have enough resources allocated?
If I hadn’t made the call, it could have been another year before anyone even noticed that there were three gullies at this point. How many more are there around the county in a similar condition? Please check the one outside your house to make sure it isn’t full of dirt. If it is let us know and we will get it reported for cleaning.
Although it may take a while, as we now only have four gulley cleaning teams for the entire county. To put it into perspective we have 3700 km (2300 miles) of roads in County Durham! How on earth can we properly maintain all the drainage gullies with just four teams. Indeed right now we only have three teams on as there is a broken wagon, so again big thanks to the teams for diverting across to clear the flood.
I think the Council should get some extra help in asap and clear a few more drains. Our staff must be run off their feet, and I know there is money in the budget to do this!!
Possible change at The Salutation Inn – Planning App submitted
The site owners of the Salutation Public house in Framwellgate Moor have submitted a planning application which would see two flats upstairs and potentially the main part of the pub converted into two retail units. More details can be found at:
Where the various documents can be seen. Whilst it is not at present confirmed that the pub itself will close, a letter from the Agents for the applicant states that the pub has not been viable for some time, and there are indications of interest in the use of the existing building for other retail.
Cllr Hopgood has asked that a wider area of residents are consulted on the application, and if anyone has any comments please do email us so we can get a feeling for public opinion.
It would be a real shame to see another pub close, particularly one which has been around for over 150 years (I don’t know the exact age – anyone who does please let me know).
It would however also be a real shame to see a local iconic building deteriorate and if no way to keep the pub open could be found, a sensible alternative use would be essential.
We are currently looking at the application and waiting to see what local people think.
Road safety
I am also very concerned that if the pub was to be converted to shops, that the current road safety in this area is not good, and that the Council must make sure that there are improvements, especially if such new businesses were to be frequented by the elderly or younger people from the school or the college.
There has been long running issue with the bus gate and cars illegally going through it which despite repeated attempts by County Councillors and the Parish has not seen any successful action to stop the problem by the police or county council.
Equally, trying to get across the mini roundabout to High Carr Road is also a serious issue, so any change of use at the Salutation would require serious consideration of safe access. The council is fully aware that there is a problem at this location as I have frequently challenged officers about safety in this area.
15,000 join Lib Dems since general election
A truly remarkable figure. You can join the Lib Dems and find out more at
13 Durham City Homes properties available
Durham City Homes currently have 13 properties available for rent which were not let out through the waiting lists.
Visit for details
Properties are:
Vicarage Flats 1 x 3 Bed Upper Floor Flat
Vicarage Flats 1 x 2 bed ground Floor Flat
Lawson Road 1 x 1 Bed Bungalow
Marlene Avenue 1 x 1 Bed Bungalow
Esh Winning
Redwood 1 x 3 Bed House
Kinnock Close 1 2 Bed Bungalow
Woodland Crescent 1 x 1 Bed Bungalow
Woodland Crescent 1 x 2 Bed House
Churchill Square 1 x 2 bed Upper Floor Flat
Ushaw Moor
25 Maple Park 1 x 3 Bed House
Barnard Avenue 1 x 2 Bed House
Barnard Avenue 1 x 3 Bed House
Quarrington Hill
Malcolm Avenue 1 x 1 Bed Bungalow
Dozens of highways defects reported by your Lib Dem councillors
We have been reporting pavement and road defects across our area over the last few weeks and will continue to do so until we care confident that the council is doing its job properly. The state of some of the pavements I have been checking has been truly appalling and I can confirm that a huge number of repairs are to take place as a result of our action. Here’s an example of one which has just been fixed: