Just found out that someone has set up a blog/website under the name The Cobblers Apprentice – Cobblers to Durham County Council. The link is

One of the blogs on the site says:


Durham County Council Leader, Cllr “21 Jobs” Albert Nugent, has ordered his minions to ban all DCC employees from gaining access to this website. Council employees attempting to log onto the “Cobbler” blog now find “access denied.” If they do want to find out what is really going on at County Hall, they will have to do it from the comfort of their own homes.

This follows questions we have put to Albert, such as how much he gets paid for the eight directorships he holds, in addition to his £35,000+ council “pay.” Needless to say, Albert has signally failed to answer any of our questions – but now he won’t be able to log onto this site (at least, not from his office at County Hall).


I must say that this is a direct quote from the site and has nothing to do with me or the Liberal Democrats. If I have to remove this at a later date I will do so. I am not responsible for anything on the Cobbler site and am not responsible for the content of any website which is clicked on from my blog site. This sounds rather legal but the reasons are obvious

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