Neighbourhood warden update for 1st May to 1st June


• Litter pick carried out by the warden with members of the council Pride team, Cllr Mark Wilkes, teaching staff and pupils from framwellgate primary school.
• Fly tipping removed from the Bishops way area.
• Patrols carried out for Problems with dog fouling along Framwellgate Peth and the road leading to the DLI museum
• Community litter pick carried out with the Pride team, Cllr Wilkes and members of the community along the footpath behind Hudspeth Crescent that leads to the College.
• Dog fouling event held by the council’s countryside ranger’s team attended by Neighbourhood wardens. This took place at the nature reserve to the rear of Bishops Way and was aimed at educating dog walkers about picking up after there dogs.


• Richmond Road, Bek Road playing fields monitored for dog fouling and litter.
• Litchfeild road field patrolled for dog fouling. Dog walkers in area spoken to regarding recent dog fouling issues and giving council number to contact if they witness people letting their dogs foul.
• Speed boat has been moved of the grassed area in Farnham close due to complaints from residents.


• Several litter picks have been made on the road that leads from Frankland prison to Finchale Abbey. Litter patrols in this area are ongoing including the occasional evening patrol to try and target cars parked up in the lay by’s.
• Rowan Drive monitored for dog fouling and litter from vehicles due to reports of problems in the area.


• Dog fouling/litter patrols carried out throughout the village around Oak Lea area, Norburn Park and Coach Lane.
• Residents throughout village spoken to and warned regarding leaving rubbish and other items that have a detrimental effect on the area in their front gardens.
• Due to reports of stray dogs in the Rose Lea area it has been requested that the council environmental wardens pay some attention around this particular part of the village to try and catch the dogs.


  • Complaint of waste in rear of a property at North View. The landlord confirms this is a constant problem and he will make arrangements to have a fence erected to stop access to his property.
  • Colliery Road regularly patrolled to deter or remove fly tipping.
  • ASB issues rose regarding Mullen Close and Boddiners shop. Graffiti team have cleared abusive graffiti and now it is up to Mr Boddiner to clear the rest.

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