Your Lib Dem councillors are gearing up for winter – Are you and is your street?

Sacks of grit in our area

After the mild winter last year and the recent balmy weather, we could be forgiven for thinking that winter has left the North East for good – it’s wishful thinking.

With this in mind, last year we negotiated for one ton sacks of grit to be placed around our area on streets where the council refuses to put grit bins or we feel they are necessary. But key to our negotiation was that if they were not needed, then they could be used the following year instead – saving money.

So this year, if the weather does turn nasty, many areas of Newton Hall, Framwellgate Moor, Pity Me and Brasside which don’t have a grit bin close by, will get a sack of grit delivered for residents use – thanks to your Lib Dem councillors.

We already have a list of locations. Let us know if there is a particular street or area where you think this may be necessary and we will check to see if it is on our list and consider adding it.

Existing Grit Bins and new ones

The council has very strict criteria for grit bins and this hasn’t changed in the last few years. You can find your closest grit bin by clicking here: You can also request a grit bin at this link. If you are refused and want to challenge the decision get in touch with us.

If the grit bin on your street is empty at the moment, you can let the council know  by clicking on report it at the top of the Council’s new website and they will add it to the filling cycle.

Council Gritting Routes

You can see the roads which the council grits on the interactive map on the Council website:

Blocked drains and gullies

The council now only checks road gullies one or twice a year. This causes problems in some areas. As your local Lib Dem councillors we frequently report gullies blocked with leaves which we check ourselves, or which residents report. This proactive approach has reduced localised flooding problems on many roads. Check the drains near your house and if they are blocked up use the Report it link at the top of the council website. If nothing happens after a few weeks, let us know and we will check and chase up the Council.

Residents gritting teams and help for the vulnerable

Have you thought about discussing spreading grit with your neighbours? Many streets around the area have a team of people who come out and spread grit on roads and pavements in bad weather – some organised, many just spontaneous. I helped on a couple of streets two years ago. Spare a thought for elderly neighbours who might not be able to get out in bad weather who might need a hand – to get out themselves or for a carer visiting.

If you don’t have a problem on your street have a think about a neighbouring street where they might need some help – both public and private sector workers need to get to work – lending a hand can help the whole community.

If the bad weather does come and all else fails get in touch with us and as in previous years we will see what we can do to help.

Weather warnings

The best place to find out about weather warnings is the Met Office website at

If the council issues localised warnings over the winter I try to add that information onto this blog.

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