Council April Fool? Or not? Tell us what holidays you have left!

Every council employee received an email today saying that the council’s financial system can’t tell what holiday and flexi time they have left and can they complete an online survey to tell the council. I have asked if this is an April Fool. Could an organisation in 2016 really not know how many days holiday each member of staff still have to take or what flexi-time they have? Nothing would surprise me at DCC but surely HR knows this? With all the money we spend on computers and IT, we can’t press a button and produce a result to show this data?

Well apparently not!!

Just checked and the council has been doing this since 2013! So for three years we have been asking staff to tell us how much holiday they have left to make sure we meet International Financial Reporting Standards.

You couldn’t make it up. Hope no one does make it up – they wouldn’t would they?

I’ m still wondering if this is an elaborate hoax to wind me up!!!

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