Covid issues in our area – urgent update – 9th December

9th December update

The rates for our area are currently the highest in the County, and after discussion with Public Health, we are told this is not entirely down to a spike in local prisons.


There have been complaints that on Framwellgate Moor Front Street, where there can be heavy footfall at lunchtimes people are not wearing masks outside shops.

We need to get Covid cases down to save lives. Please wear a mask outside in shopping areas and follow all government guidance.

We have contacted New College to ask if they can emphasise to students not to congregate on the Front Street and to wear masks and head back towards the college as soon as they have bought their lunches.


We have received complaints that some bus users are not wearing masks, nor siting in designated seats. Bus companies have been contacted to ask that they ensure there is compliance.


We have also been told of at least one business not making sure people wear masks in their premises. This has been reported and action is being taken. If you know of any business not following the rules please do let us know.

8th December

Residents are asking why our figures are still very high (Newton Hall Brasside area).

We are investigating this to find out if this is a community issue or related to the number of cases at Franklin and Low Newton which are also included in our local numbers.

What is clear is that we all need to continue to take care and follow the rules.

The Council’s dashboard where you can view Covid data can be found at:

Page 10 shows the number by local area and you can select the header (7 day rate by 100,000) to put them in order for the county or MSOA Area for alphabetical order.

The rates are updated regularly but not at a specific time each day.

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