Low Newton Junction Nature Reserve, car park and dangerous footpath/cycle path

We have recently provided funding to carry out works in this area, as the Council did not have available the money needed in its public rights of way and nature reserve budgets.

We feel quite strongly that these budgets are insufficient.

We have therefore provided neighbourhood budget to level out the potholes (ponds) in the car park and put a layer of planings over the top. This work should be carried out in the coming weeks.

The are are many paths through the nature reserve which are completely overgrown and a lot of areas where undergrowth needs removing. Some paths never see sunlight and stay wet all year round.

We have provided a significant amount of funding to carry out this work, however the timing of the work is a problematic and we are currently trying to find a way of bringing forward the project.

MORE CRITICALLY however, right now, the main cycle path from Low Newton Junction Car park in Brasside through towards Frankland Farm has some areas in really bad condition.

Parts are flooded and full of mud and this has readily turned to ice. Some parts can be walked around but a couple of locations are exceptionally bad with foot deep mud and ice.

We have asked for urgent work to be carried out and are working with council officers to find a quick solution and asking for funding.

I spoke with numerous people when out assessing the area today and used a great app called What3Words to identify to the council the location of the worst problems. Every 3m2 area on earth has three unique words given to it. So you can always tell someone pretty much exactly where something is. Very useful!

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