New Ponds created at The Carrs and path works well underway

We are delighted to be able to report that the Council is working hard on our project to improve access to the Carrs Nature Reserve in Pity Me. The two ponds have now been created and have already filled with water.

Work has started on the paths around the site. Weather and Covid permitting the main part of the project should be completed in the first few weeks of February.

Business grants and personal financial help

For some time we have been asking for additional assistance for struggling businesses, especially in sectors hard hit or ignored by government.

The County Council has now created a New grant scheme using some of its general reserves and money from government, we expect businesses will be able to find the application for this on the link below.

You can find more information about current grants for businesses here As well. When the new grant link is available we will add it in:

Financial help for struggling residents.

The Council has a website where you can look at all the different help including deferring council tax payments, benefit help and much more:

We have also been asking for specific help for those self employed people who have been unable to go on to furlough or get other financial assistance, and expect to see some movement from the Council soon.

Covid case rate update – Lockdown

We all hoped 2021 would be a new start, a better year. However right now, despite the vaccination program, Covid is more serious than ever.

Across the County in the week up to 2nd January almost every single area saw significant increases in the number of cases.

The website has a full explanation of the lockdown restrictions here:

In Pity Me and Framwellgate Moor, in the week up to 2nd January, rates rose by 17% on the previous week to 551 per 100k with Newton Hall/Brasside rising 144% to 426 per 100k

We all need to continue to do everything we can to be extra careful, including wearing masks outside in public places like shopping areas and only going out when we absolutely have to.

Please continue to follow the government guidance.

You can view the latest data for our county here:

If you or anyone you know are struggling with something, don’t hesitate to get in touch

Cllr Mark Wilkes 03000 268788

Cllr Amanda Hopgood 03000 268 726

Cllr Mamie Simmons 0191 386 9006

Bin collections

Changes to collections over Christmas and New Year

Bin collections will be emptied as normal up to and including Thursday 24 December.

Only the following Friday collections are affected over Christmas and New Year:

Normal collection dayRevised collection day
Friday 25 December 2020Monday 28 December 2020
Friday 1 January 2021Monday 4 January 2021

Collections will go back to normal on Tuesday, 5 January. 

If you have to much recycling waste and place it in clear plastic bags or carrier bags it will be taken, but it will NOT be taken if it’s in a black back as the operatives need to see what they are collecting. If possible only put out on the morning of the collection especially if it’s windy.

Covid cases falling in our area – no time for complacency

The Covid rate in our area has fallen back form the really high rates seen a few weeks ago. the most up to ate figures show Newton Hall at 170 per 100k and Pity Me/Framwellgate Moor at 268 per 100k. That equates to 17 new cases in Pity Me/Fram week ending 16th Dec and 14 in Newton Hall/Brasside.

This is a significant fall from the levels being seen but we know that the rate could spike back up again if we don’t all act as carefully as possible.

I believe we should continue to wear masks in public shopping areas, not just inside the shops. The sooner we get our rates down the sooner we can see the measures relaxed.

Shameful behaviour of Labour councillors at today’s full council meeting

Today saw a new low for Labour in our county.

First they refused to carry out an internal review into the transfer of Covid positive patients into our care homes. We have the highest death rate in care homes in the whole country.

Then they refused to carry out an independent review into the impact of covid on our care homes. Families have lost hundreds of relatives in our care homes.

And then, they submitted and voted on a motion completely undermining the efforts of our health services in our county with a vote of no confidence in our test and trace system, with not a single recommendation of how to improve it.

Do not listen to Labour: Testing is essential to getting this pandemic under control.

I urge everyone if they feel ill and think they may have Covid symptoms to get a test. We have a serious problem right now in our area and we must all do all we can to make sure we get the case numbers down. We must not allow Labour to undermine our health professionals and NHS.

I raised concerns about our area in the public meeting today directly with the Director of Public Health and with Mamie and Amanda continue to push for more direct action in our area including far better communication from authorities and action on the ground.


Figures for Covid in our area have spiked considerably in the last two weeks. Rates in Newton Hall and Brasside are over 800 per 100k. This is exceptionally high.

In Framwellgate Moor and Pity Me the rates are around 400 per 100k.

These rates are as much as 20 TIMES higher than other parts of the County.

We have been in close discussion with the Director of Public Health about these issues and have personally spoken with large businesses, the college and prison and schools.

The County Council has deployed 7 community champions to visit businesses, shops, schools and the college to check on Covid measures.

Everyone needs to make sure they are following the rules and being as careful as possible.



PLEASE wear a mask. PLEASE don’t visit other people’s homes.

PLEASE wash / disinfect your hands regularly, especially when out and about

PLEASE keep your distance from others.

If you are out shopping or walking near our shopping areas please keep your mask on when you are on the pavement not just inside the shops you visit.

IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS GET A TEST and if asked to, isolate.

The council has created some links to additional information and help:

If you have concerns about a business not following the rules tell us. If you are concerned about someone who is vulnerable/living on their own, tell us and we can get someone to check they are OK.

Major Gas incident – Caterhouse Road area – Final update

Final Update – all houses are expected to be back on with gas by this afternoon. If anyone has ongoing issues and isn’t able to solve them with NGN then please do get in touch as we have direct contact.

9th December update

I have spoken with our Civil Contingencies officer today and it is looking like it could take another 24 hours before the households on Caterhouse, Franklin, Priory, Ghyllfield, Brackenfield and Flambard Roads get gas supplies back.

I have raised a concern that the cost of heating using electric heaters is very high and for anyone using a prepayment meter there may be cashflow issues for those on low incomes.

I have been given assurances that compensation will be paid but clearly the immediate concern is to make sure that all householders are able to heat their homes and get hot food.

Northern Gas Networks continue to work hard to help people across this part of Framwellgate Moor and are delivering meals to the vulnerable and elderly and providing vouchers for residents to visit catering vans.

8th December

We have been notified of a major gas incident affecting up to 300 houses in the Caterhouse Road area of Framwellgate Moor. The Council is working closely with Northern Gas Networks to fix the problem as soon as possible.

Bede Lodge on Finchale Road is being used as a drop in centre with warm refreshments. Social distancing measures in place.

Extra support can be obtained at 0800 040 7766.

Covid issues in our area – urgent update – 9th December

9th December update

The rates for our area are currently the highest in the County, and after discussion with Public Health, we are told this is not entirely down to a spike in local prisons.


There have been complaints that on Framwellgate Moor Front Street, where there can be heavy footfall at lunchtimes people are not wearing masks outside shops.

We need to get Covid cases down to save lives. Please wear a mask outside in shopping areas and follow all government guidance.

We have contacted New College to ask if they can emphasise to students not to congregate on the Front Street and to wear masks and head back towards the college as soon as they have bought their lunches.


We have received complaints that some bus users are not wearing masks, nor siting in designated seats. Bus companies have been contacted to ask that they ensure there is compliance.


We have also been told of at least one business not making sure people wear masks in their premises. This has been reported and action is being taken. If you know of any business not following the rules please do let us know.

8th December

Residents are asking why our figures are still very high (Newton Hall Brasside area).

We are investigating this to find out if this is a community issue or related to the number of cases at Franklin and Low Newton which are also included in our local numbers.

What is clear is that we all need to continue to take care and follow the rules.

The Council’s dashboard where you can view Covid data can be found at:

Page 10 shows the number by local area and you can select the header (7 day rate by 100,000) to put them in order for the county or MSOA Area for alphabetical order.

The rates are updated regularly but not at a specific time each day.

Nature reserve works to start next week

We have been working hard to get the path improvement works commenced at the Carrs Nature Reserve.

Over just a few months we managed to raise £60,000 from numerous different sources including: All three of our neighbourhood budgets, the AAP budget, Parish Paths fund, Parish Council, Northumbrian Water, Local Transport Plan, money we recovered from a maintenance reserve which had disappeared in the County Council’s budgets and s106 money which Story Homes agreed to bring forward so we could start work early.

Work will involve clearing out overgrown areas to re-create a dried up pond area, putting in some viewing areas with disabled suitable seating, and creating and resurfacing a kilometre of pathway around the outside of the site. We will also be getting some dropped kerbs installed near NWL HQ and amending the access gates so that they are disabled accessible.

The whole project is going to take a few months to complete and we are chasing all the time to make sure that timescales do not slip.