Durham County Council has decided to cut the maximum financial assistance in a key scheme for homeless and vulnerable people from £1000 to £500. So far the government has provided £33 million extra to the council to help in the current crisis, so surely this help shouldn’t have been cut?
Durham County Council’s Welfare Assistance Scheme helps people in urgent need of rehousing. It assists with their moving and set up costs. The program can also help make sure someone does not end up having to move into a care home.
I discovered the change hidden in a “delegated report”. The Council should reverse the change immediately but the lead councillor for this department is refusing to do so. I emailed all other 125 county councillors asking for their support, but only Lib Dem councillors have responded positively.
I am struggling to believe that in the current crisis the Council would even contemplate such a change. It’s plain wrong.
These are the most vulnerable people of all in our society and the Council are cutting help in half. It would be an unacceptable policy in normal times. Right now it beggars belief.
Delegated decisions are made by the Council in consultation with the appropriate Labour Cabinet member at the Council, without any prior consultation with back bench councillors.
How can a policy can be passed, and up and running weeks before councillors even find out about it?
The decision was listed amongst a dozen other reports like road closures, but it was implemented weeks ago on the 1st April.”
Such an ill-timed, undemocratic and frankly wholly unreasonable policy change by this Labour-run council should not have happened at all: Never mind be hidden away like this.
Up to 800 people apply for assistance through the scheme in any twelve month period.
The lack of morality in this decision floors me.
This change should be scrapped right now. Please spread the word, perhaps getting this message out on social media will make Labour think again about cutting this help