Please be careful – there are many scams out there

Please pause for thought before acting on any email or other form of corrrespondence, or anyone knocking at the door.

There are a lot of scams out there. Here’s just one example:

We’ve been informed that some parents have received an email stating: ‘As schools will be closing, if you’re entitled to free school meals, send your bank details and we’ll make sure you’re supported’.

This is a scam email. We urge parents not to respond and delete immediately.

Garden waste collections will now only start 28th April at the earliest.

To ensure that the Council can continue with regular general waste collections, it is delaying the start of the garden waste service.

Clearly without knowing how many refuse operators will be self isolating in the coming weeks, this is a necessity, albeit an inconvenience as so many of us will have been out in the garden in recent days.

We are sure that those who have paid will see some form of compensation perhaps through a later finish or earlier start next year and we will push for this, however as I’m sure everyone will agree making sure that our rubbish and recycling is collected is essential.

March 22nd: Sainsbury’s to open from 7.30-8am for NHS staff ONLY and new rules for elderly

Monday – Saturdays starting tomorrow. An NHS card will be required to enter. PLEASE DO NOT GO ALONG IF YOU DON’T HAVE AN NHS CARD. Queuing early and getting in the way risks lives.

ONLY Elderly and vulnerable residents will be allowed in to stores on Mon Wed and Fri from 8am-9am so please DO NOT go to Sainsbury’s before 9am on these days and if possible go on Tuesday or Thursday instead.

If you have stocked up on loads of food please don’t go at all. If we stick together we will all be better for it.

Happy Mother’s Day – by phone, what’s app or skype

Today I will be talking to my mum by WhatsApp. Of course I would like to be able to go and see my parents, but to protect them I am not. Please do not go to see your parents. The more contact we have with other people the more risk that the virus will spread more quickly and innundate our NHS and put our relatives at risk. Take care and please follow the government advice.

Council Tax help – 20th March

Earlier this week many councillors from all groups including myself raised concerns that April’s council tax and business rate payments would not be possible for some residents. Today the Council confirms on council tax:

  • You can call and arrange to run payments over 12 instead of 10 months if you don’t already do this.
  • Alternatively you can ask to only start making payments from June instead of April.
  • If you cannot pay at all contact the council or visit: or email

The council has now cancelled all debt recovery action until further notice.

A new webpage showing all means the Council can help you with can be found at:

Please only contact the council if you really have to so those in most need can get through.