If it wasn’t the Labour Party in County Durham you couldn’t have made it up. I am thoroughly disgusted.

The two highest profile issues coming into my message message box over the past few weeks have been the imminent closure of the Durham Light Infantry Museum in Durham City and changes to the pay and working arrangements of Teaching Assistants (TAs) in County Schools.

At Full Council this morning there were motions on both these issues put down. One on the DLI by me, and another by Cllr owen Temple on teaching assistants. We were asking for further discussion and consultation on them. Also on the agenda was a motion put down by a Labour councillor attacking the proposed Tory government changes to trades union legislation (this was a standard motion created by the TUC that has been put down by Labour councillors in many councils across the country).

Unfortunately for the DLI and the TAs, the Labour motion was submitted first and so was debated first.

Here comes the problem. Some years ago, Labour forced through a provision in the council constitution (against opposition wishes) to limit debate on motions to a total of 30 minutes at council meetings. That’s 30 minutes total, not 30 minutes for each motion!

The constitution also allows for councillors to agree to extend the 30 minute period. So we did that and, with a vote recording the names of everyone and how they voted, Labour refused to extend the debating time.

So the TU debate started, and after w while we tried to move the debate to a vote. Again Labour voted this down and Labour Councillors queued up to filibuster the 30 minutes away, after which that debate was curtailed and voted on, with the TA and DLI motions timed out. There is a chance that these could be discussed at the next meeting, however timing may mess this up, certainly for Teaching Assistants perhaps for the DLI but I will resubmit.

So where do sprouts come in? As part of the timing out, Labour councillor Patrick Conway (Belmont division) told a tale of how his mother had worked in his native Lincolnshire picking brussels sprouts in darkest December. I doubt that TAs and DLI supporters would feel this was as important as their jobs or the future of the DLI museum.

This was a shameful day for Labour, so when you come to vote next time, you know what to do.

My previous post can be seen here:

For the record, here is the list of Labour councillors and one independent (ex Labour) who refused to extend time and allow debate:

Adam Eddy
Armstrong Joe
Avery Brian
Batey Alison
Bell David
Bell Eddie
Bell Jennifer
Bennett Harry
Blakey Jan
Bleasdale Geraldine
Bonner Anne
Brookes Peter
Brown Jane
Carr Colin
Carr Joanne
Chaplow Jean
Clare John
Clark June
Conway Patrick
Cordon Jim
Crathorne Pauline
Crute Rob
Davidson Keith
Davinson Mark
Dearden Katherine
Dixon Mike
Forster Sonia
Foster Neil
Geldard Ian
Glass Bob
Graham Barbara
Gray Joan
Gunn Olwyn
Hampson Carole
Hart John
Henig Katherine
Henig Simon
Hillary Jed
Hodgson Michele
Hopper Kate
Hovvels Lucy
Huntington Eunice
Iveson Sarah
Jewell Ivan
Johnson Ossie
Kellett Bill
Laing Audrey
Lawton Pat
Lee June
Lethbridge John
Liddle Heather
Lindsay John
Liversidge Alan
Lumsdon Rachel
Maitland Joyce
Marshall Carl
Marshall Linda
Measor Janice
Milburn Olga
Moir Bill
Morrison Sue
Napier Alan
Nearney Thomas
Nicholson Henry
Patterson Andrea
Pemberton Trish
Plews Maria
Potts Christine
Pounder Lynn
Shaw Kevin
Smith Heather
Smith Tracie
Stephens Brian
Stradling Paul
Surtees Angela
Taylor Leo
Tinsley Fraser
Tomlinson Eddie
Turnbull John
Turner Andy
Williams Mac
Wilson Christine

New Solar Panels for three Centres

We have worked with a local supplier, RE consultants in Newton Hall and secured a big discount for our loccommunitycentrepanelsal community centres to get solar panels installed.

Framwellgate Moor Community Centre, Newton Hall Community Centre and All Saint’s Church have had panels installed at a big discount.

The hard working volunteers at all the centres supported the project and it will help to significantly reduce running costs for the Centres for years to come.

Emergency weather contact

If you need assistance from the council call 03000 261000

If you don’t get a response or want councillor help please do call us.

There is extensive flooding across the County and the River Wear has burst its banks in Durham City. Weather warnings can be found at

Check your drains to make sure they are free of leaves. If there are any blocked drains on the road outside your house and it looks like there is a chance of water getting into your property call the council number.


You may have read my post last week about our Labour-run council’s plan to cut school transport provision:

At Children’s Scrutiny today I challenged this. Pointing out:

– the same department seeking to make the cuts has just announced it has saved 10 times as much so far this year as the cuts required to school transport – £7.6m

– the same department has £9.4m in a cash limit reserve allocated to nothing.

– the council has over estimated inflation this year as 15 times its current rate.

– the council has over estimated the cost of its debt to the tune of millions of pounds.

– the council has placed £20m in a planned delivery reserve to stop cuts such as this.

– the council has £6m more in its insurance reserve than it needs

– the council has six communications departments. If they were merged it would save upto £1.5m a year

– the council has more directors than it needs and could save hundreds of thousands of pounds by just reducing by one.

– the council said it would cut mileage allowances for staff and councillros by 3p from 48p a mile to 45p a mile which would have saved £240,000 it has now stopped this.

In total the council has £80m to play with and loads of ways to find the money it needs so that it does not need to make this harsh cut.

The response from one Labour councillor was that if anyone had sensible ideas they would be listened to but when i sugested the committee could recommend any of these things, I was simply told it was a consultation and my views would be passed across. Some scrutiny that is. The committee could have collectively opposed this madness.

And one Labour county councillor actually said that we should manage these things better to make sure there wasn’t as much bad publicity. The only people creating bad publicity are the Labour-run Cabinet on Durham County Council for acting like a bunch of far-right, slash and burn Tories.

Abbey Leisure Centre price hikes thwarted and treadmills replaced

Attempts by the Council to hike some prices at Abbey Leisure Centre have been thwarted by your Lib Dem councillors.

After finding out that Table Tennis prices would rocket by almost 100%, we have secured an over 60’s concession to keep the price down.

A plan to hike soft play for infants by 66% have been scrapped completely after we challenged this with the Head of Service and Director.

And the two broken treadmills, one out of action for several months have been replaced/repaired after our intervention. Hopefully we will not see any more daft decisions on pricing or delays in repairs but please let us know if you do spot problems.

On a brighter note there is now a new tariff which also allows you to go swimming at Freeman’s Quay for just a pound a session if you sign up at Abbey!

Brasside flood alleviation plan moves a step closer

The ongoing work we have been doing for what seems like forever to protect Beech Close in Brasside from flooding moved a step closer last night at a public meeting for Beech Close Residents with council officers, your three councillors and representatives from the MOJ present.

After years of failings by so many agencies to address the issue we finally managed to get the Council to take this matter seriously over the last year or so, with a lot of work being done. Many years ago a meeting with the MP produced nothing and residents still vividly remember that Labour failure as was mentioned at last nights meeting.

The remaining hurdle to complete a long term solution is the lining of the main drain running through the estate, which would provide protection for up to 75 years. The cost is not so great, but more than half of the pipe is on Ministry of Justice land with the remainder under residents properties.

We have committed as Councillors to contribute towards the non-MoJ areas, to speed up the repair process from local budgets. Now a formal bid to the MoJ’s estates budget has been submitted by their regional estates officer, so we may be just a few months away from a final solution to this issue.

If this happens it will be fantastic news for those residents who have been flooded out as many as four times in the last 15 years. I am pleased to say, confidently, that without continuous Lib Dem councillor pressure this issue would never have been addressed.

The way in which residents were previously treated by the authorities was shameful. We were even told at one point we couldn’t bid for environmental agency funding when we could. Thankfully we are now closer than ever before to a final solution.

Thanks should be given to those Council officers who finally accepted Mamie, Amanda and I were not going away and got fully behind action.



Lib Dem councillors attend Greenbelt protest in Durham City



Cllr David Freeman, Cllr Nigel Martin and I attended the County Plan protest in the Durham Market Place today. It was well attended with some good speeches.

I have arranged a meeting with the Head of Planning this coming week to get to the bottom of how the Council plans to proceed now that it has managed to get around the Inspector’s decision to reject the County Plan.

As I see it there are a number of ways the Council could deal with this:

1. Put out an alternative County Plan in a few months for “consultation” and then ignore every view which comes back – as it has done throughout the process.

2. Arrange proper consultation sessions before producing ANY proposals and then produce an alternative plan without taking account of residents proposals – less likely but wouldn’t surprise me.

3. Arrange proper consultation on the areas of the plan which the Inspector and residents disagreed with – before producing a proposal, including the changes residents want and publish the alternative plan – how it should be done but almost certainly will not happen!

Whatever happens you can be sure it will be Lib Dem councillors standing up for our World Heritage City against a Labour-run council which so far has completely and utterly ignored the views of the vast majority of residents from Durham City and the surrounding villages.

Council refuses to advertise externally for new Chief Exec

Our esteemed Labour-run council has refused a Lib Dem request to advertise the position of Chief Exec outside of the Authority.

This was with the support of at least one of the independent group leaders and the Conservative group leader. Only the Lib Dems pushed for transparent process.

I fail to understand what the council has to lose by advertising to get the best person for job. None of the internal applicants would have anything to worry about if they are up to the position. There are senior officers who may be capable of being Chief Exec but it is unacceptable for local residents to not have a fully open selection.

The council has reduced the salary for the position from just over £200k down to £185k. However this is unlikely to save any money since the existing Chief Exec hasn’t been getting pension contributions from the Authority for a few years, and there is a good chance whoever comes next will get those contributions which could cost up to £35,000 a year.

It is time that Durham County Council reduced the number of Directors. If it is to select a Chief Exec from inside, there should not be a replacement position for the vacant Director position, but rather a reorganisation.

The council could operate quite comfortably without the Assistant Chief Exec position and one less director – many others do. The position of Director of Adult and Children’s Services has a budget and responsibility which is many many times that of other departments, so there is plenty of scope to make savings which could amount to £1m a year and help to protect other front-line services.

We have suggested this for many years and if it had been done already, millions of pounds would have been saved. Sadly our Labour-run council is ALWAYS behind the curve, and never a week goes by without it wasting money.

No answer to housing question at Cabinet – And no social housing either

Our Labour-run council is planning to build some private housing which it will then rent out. Great on the face of it. But it will not allow anyone on a low income to rent the properties. Rents will be as much as £200 a month over the local housing allowance rate.

I asked if after six years of my asking they would work with me to get some social housing built in our area. No answer was given to my question.

So we have a Labour run council happy to build luxury homes with taxpayers money and refusing to rent them out to anyone on housing benefit, whilst at the same time refusing to invest in social housing.

Meanwhile the Tories are putting social housing at risk through forcing the sale of homes without the money being made available to build new ones.

Begs the question “What’s the Difference between the Tories and Labour?

Forcing the sale of social housing without the money to reinvest is a madness – I expect that from the Tories. The Labour Party refusing to invest in social housing – that goes beyond madness, it is nothing short of disgraceful.

I will continue to push for social and affordable housing in our area on brownfield sites regardless of what our Tory-lite-Labour council does.