Jade lives in Newton Hall with her parents and has a genetic condition which causes her joints to spontaneously dislocate at any time.
They need alterations to their house so she has proper access to it.
We all see adverts and news stories asking for help for people across the UK or even overseas. On this occasion we can actually help someone who lives just round the corner.
The Council has so far agreed to fund part of the works through funding provided via the government, however the overall cost is far higher than the maximum grant available. I am currently pushing for further help and to get things moving. However we need to do more.
There’s more information on the funding page about the conditions Jade is living in and the work needed. The have so far raised over £8000 but need to get closer to £30000!
Link to fundraising page: https://gogetfunding.com/disabled-house-renovations-for-jade/