I have today written to Simon Henig, leader of the Council, Bob Young, Portfolio member for the Environment, as well as the head officer for Environment calling on them to be first off the blocks in preparing a bid for Durham to be one of the Electric Car Capital cities. Our press realease is below:

Liberal Democrats in Durham are calling on the council to bid to become one of the country’s first ‘green cities’, with the aim of taking a green road out of recession.

Councils will soon be able to put themselves forward to pilot a scheme for trialling electric cars in the city. Local Lib Dems are campaigning to ensure Durham does not miss out on the chance for vital new jobs that would help families struggling through the recession.

Lib Dem parliamentary spokesperson Carol Woods said: “Durham City is the ideal location for this trial, with our world renowned university and the recently set up Climate Durham organisation we are in the perfect position to turn Durham City into one of the greenest cities in the country.

“We would also be building on the good work already done by the Lib Dem City Council, which introduced electric cars into the fleet of Council vehicles.”

Councillor Woods along with Councillor Wilkes (Framwellgate Moor Division), launched their call to action outside the Science Centre in Framwellgate Moor, which has one of the few electric car charging points in the country.

Councillor Wilkes commented “This is the perfect opportunity for the County Council to show that it can be environmentally friendly and to take the lead role nationally on climate. The Science centre in Framwellgate Moor shows what can be achieved in Durham.”

Councillor Woods further commented “If we can bring this to Durham, we will be able to create more jobs just at the time when we need them most, and put Durham on the map as one of the beacons of a future green economy. The Lib Dems have been calling for a green road out of recession and I am pleased that Durham might have the opportunity to lead the way.”

The councillors are calling for a response from leader of the Council Simon Henig and Portfolio Holder for Environment Bob Young as soon as possible to make sure Durham is first off the blocks in bidding for this opportunity.

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