The council is making changes to the Care Connect Service and is contacting all residents who receive this service at the moment with the following information.

I am sure the Council will do all it can to make sure that the impact of these changes is fully understood by residents and expect it to monitor the impact of changes to a service which is clearly of great importance to a large number of some of the most vulnerable in our County.

In relation to the changes to payments I have enquired as to whether they can be spread over 12 months not 10 and will report back. The Council must take care to ensure that these payment changes are dealt with responsibly.


Your Service from Care Connect

Your Care Connect service is undergoing some changes and we are writing to explain how these changes will affect you.  There have been reductions in government funding to services such as Care Connect, and as a result, the services will have to make some changes to save money.

The main change will be to the levels of service available from April 2011.  At the moment, there are four levels of service – 4th tier, High, Medium and Core (or Standard service).  From April 2011 there will only be two levels of service which will be a small number of people on a High Service and the majority of people on the Core (Standard) service.

You can be reassured that you will continue to receive the 24 hour / 7 day a week monitoring and response service which can help you with illness or emergency at any time day or night at the push of a button or by using your pullcord.

In addition, you will get at least a 3 monthly visit to check how you are and to test your equipment. However, regular weekly /monthly visits will no longer take place for those people who were previously on a Medium level service.  If you are on a High level of service then you will receive more regular visits.  All of this will be explained to you by a Staff Member when they next visit so there is no need to be concerned.

If your service is currently paid for by Supporting People subsidy then this will continue unchanged.  If you currently pay for your service then you will get further information in a separate letter about the charges ,payment methods and menu of services available.

Please be reassured that you will continue to be protected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Support staff will explain any changes during your next planned visit.  If you are not at home when they call please contact Care Connect to rearrange or ask any questions you may have.

Community alarm and Telecare services will be under review over the next 12 months to ensure that we are providing you with the best possible support; we will be seeking your views as part of this process.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of your service with Care Connect they can be contacted on 01388 728806 or e-mail .

Further information about Care Connect is also available on the County Council website


Re: Changes to the Care Connect service

It is Durham County Councils aim to provide an equitable and fair service to our customers where ever they live within County Durham.

We are therefore harmonising the service and charges across the County the new weekly charges will be £3.80 + VAT (No VAT is chargeable if a VAT Exemption Form has been completed). If you previously paid for the service through your rent account this unfortunately ceases on the 31st March 2011, you will now receive a yearly invoice for £197.60 + VAT if applicable this will be sent to you in April. We can now offer the facility to pay by Direct Debit Countywide and a Direct Debit form is enclosed for you to complete and return to us as soon as possible. The payments will run from the 15th May to the 15th February each year making 10 equal payments of £19.76.

Care Connect can also offer additional services over and above your identified need but these will be at an additional charge they are:-

Re-assurance call – 50p per call per week + VAT

  • Weekly visits – £1.25 per visit per week + VAT
  • Additional Pendant – 50p per week + VAT
  • Smoke Detector – £1.00 per week + VAT

If you are in receipt of Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, Job Seekers Allowance or Guaranteed Pension Credit then the service can be subsidised by Durham County Council (proof is required). If you think that you may fit the above criteria, or wish to have any additional services provided, or have any queries/concerns please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

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