Labour refuses budget amendments again

We submitted three main budget amendments to the Council’s budget yesterday but Labour rejected them.

£10m capital investment for school repairs: The Council currently has NOTHING in the repair budget using local funding and only £5.4m from government to repairs schools despite having a £118m backlog of repairs.

As far as the Lib Dems are concerned, if the Government is failing to provide enough funding, that does not mean the Council should put nothing in. After all, our schools are our responsibility.

£1m towards nature reserves and public rights of way: Might sound like a lot but it isn’t really. We have 55 nature reserve and 3500km of public rights of way and the council is failing to invest in them.

Rahter than leaving tens of millions of pounds in reserves, we wanted to see money spent on these areas, as so many people are getting out and about doing exercise. Labour refused, choosing to leave all the money in reserves.

£10,000 for each councillor to spend improving our area: Right now money is being put into Area Partnerships to carry out regeneration work. There is no guarantee that any area will get this money. We felt it fairer to take a small percentage of this money and let councillors decide consulting with local residents. Labour refused

We also supported an opposition motion calling for free parking in our town centres and City Centre to help boost the high street – paid for from money provided by government to tackle Covid impact. Labour refused this too.

We will of course continue to fight for and work hard to get as much investment in our area as possible.

Good News: Covid rate below key 100 figure for first time in months in our area

Reported Covid rates have finally dropped below 100 per 100,000 in our area.

There’s still no room for complacency as rates can spike up, but this is a really positive move.

The rate in Pity Me and Framwellgate Moor has fallen to 63.1/100k, down 66% in the last week up to 16th Feb, and in Newton Hall/Brasside it is down 53% to 73.1/100k.

That means in the last reported week there were only 6 cases in Newton Hall and 4 in Framwellgate Moor/Pity Me. Hopefully these cases are not severe ones.

Please keep following the rules and if possible wear a mask outside in shopping areas too. Together we can beat this.

New Major Vaccine Centre in Pity Me

We can now confirm that a new regional vaccine centre has been set up at Boldon House next to Lidl in Pity Me near the Arnison Centre.

This is fantastic news for our area and will help us to get vaccinations ramped up.

We have been in discussions with the Council to make sure that the site is run as smoothly as possible and there are no local traffic or parking issues. We will be monitoring this as well.

The NHS and Council have reported the following after our discussions:

  • The car park at Boldon House will be used for all vaccination centre patients and there will be ample free parking onsite.
  • They will be asking people driving to only come no more than fifteen minutes before their appointment, so we can keep traffic flowing in and out of the car park.
  • They will have marshals in the car park to keep traffic moving and ensure that parking is easy and quick.
  • There will be a drop off service onsite for family members and taxis.
  • They have been working with public transport providers to ensure that people who wish to come by public transport understand how they can do so safely.
  • They will be providing alternative parking for the vaccination centre staff so that they do not look to park in adjacent streets or business car parks.
  • Vaccinations will be by appointment only and everyone eligible for a vaccination will be invited in due course according to priority group.


Rates in our area are falling which is great news but they could spike at any time.

£0 – That’s how much local money Labour-run Durham Council is investing to tackle the £100 million school repair backlog

That’s the backlog in schools it is responsible for. And no it’s not a misprint. They have budgeted NOTHING!

Your Lib Dem team are proposing a £10 million investment this year to tackle the most critical backlog.

We refuse to sit back and allow this to continue after the hard work our teachers and school staff have had to put in this past year.

Our children should not have to put up with being taught in substandard buildings

£903,919 staggering waste of money on Traffic Management at waste sites

Our esteemed Labour-run Council has now wasted a truly eyewatering amount of money blocking roads at some of our waste sites.

This includes the one in Pity Me which has so far cost about £300,000.

We told them in April to set up a booking system. they ignored us until we kicked off again over the cost and disruption. It is now likely to be the end of March before a system is in place.

Have a think about what you would like our council to spend its money on, I’m pretty sure that £1m on cones, barriers and road closures is not at the top of your list. Especially when its completely unnecessary.

This waste of money at any time is an absolute disgrace. With so many people struggling it’s an insult.

Raby Road closure

One end of the street is currently closed for gas works which has significantly increased the difficulty getting in and out with all the snow. We have asked the council if they can do some snow ploughing so we can get all the bends gritted and expect this work to be done today or tomorrow.

Relief on way for Finchale Abbey residents

This morning the council has confirmed it will clear the road to the Abbey, where we have over 100 residents living.

The route from Brasside isn’t on a standard gritting route and this means that in bad weather it can be almost impossible to get down there.

I’m delighted following our request that the council has been able to get down there today as some residents couldn’t even get food deliverers through.

All the bends on the road have now been gritted, as well as the slope into the Abbey.

Thank you DCC.

“We are watching you”: Cracking down on dog fouling

I’ve been putting up posters across the area today as part of our campaign to cut dog fouling. Some of the posters glow in the dark and really stand out.

If you spot anyone not cleaning up after their dog please note the following and report it to the council or to us.

  1. Location
  2. Time
  3. Size, colour, type of dog if you know it
  4. Description of the culprit.

The council will hit people with a hefty fine if they are caught. Help us stamp out this filthy habit.

Well done Brian

I couldn’t resist getting a photo of Brian in action on Framwellgate Moor Front Street today, as I headed out to help clear roads and pavements.

The Parish Councils groundsman switches over in bad weather to help clear our pavements.

Today he’s also spread grit by hand on the side of the road the County Council doesn’t have resources to do.

It made a really big difference. Thank you Brian.

Brian, the Parish council groundsman, ploughing the pavements in Framwellgate Moor using the Parish vehicle.

Blood bank session saved and help with gritting

It’s been a long day today helping to clear roads, getting help from the Council and at the last minute, helping to clear the road down to the indoor bowling club for the blood bank to hold it’s session.

Massive thanks to Rob and Will (Wills Taxis) who were on hand to help grit the road. I managed to bring in three recycle bins full of grit and short notice and helped out spreading.

Areas we’ve been and helped clear today include:

The Forge, Ghyllfield and Brackenfield, Lund Avenue.

And managed to get the Council team out to clear and grit Canterbury Road shops car park.

Lund Avenue where I spread grit today to help make it possible to get up the slope to the doctors surgery.