Labour in Teaching Assistants cover up – Refuse democratic debate once again

More shameful behaviour from Labour-run Durham County Council over the last week.

Not satisfied with their attempts to cut TAs pay by upto 23%, they have blocked a motion by my fellow Lib Dem councillor Owen Temple, which would have seen TAs reinstated until their new contracts are redetermined.

The council has used some ridiculous excuses in the past to stop democratic debate over this and other issues but this one really took the biscuit!

Firstly they wouldn’t allow the issue debated at full council next week because it was too political! Yes – a political meeting, where motions are put and debated can’t debate – the argument that its coming up to an election. Yet election restrictions don’t start until days after the full council meeting. A disgraceful attempt to stunt democracy by Labour. It’s getting like North Korea down there – except perhaps I’m not allowed to say that either……

The second reason put by the councils legal team on why they won’t allow the motion to be debated is that it might put Labour councillors at risk following the totally unacceptable death threat against them sent to Durham Police.

Hold on a minute – so someone sends a letter to the police and democracy is immediately shut down – No chance – we live in a democracy and we will not allow threats to stop proper democratic debate. And we will not go down without a fight. This is just an excuse so Labour councillors don’t have be forced to vote again in the appalling manner they have become used to – against teaching assistants, against the people of County Durham.

The final reason we can’t have a debate on this issue  – which we are still trying to get our heads round is that we can’t reinstate teaching assistants because we might make an unlawful decision.

Owen’s response to this is worth repeating here in quotes:

“If that is the case, how could we have been given a vote in the first place, because that carried exactly the same risk? And if the termination of contracts cannot be withdrawn, what exactly is the goal of the negotiations which council, unions and Teaching Assistants are currently engaged in? Is it any wonder that Teaching Assistants think their dispute has just been kicked into the long grass beyond the election, and that once the election is out of the way the Labour run council will just return to business as usual?”

Never a truer word spoken Owen – this is another attempt to shut this issue down, but I do not believe the public will accept it. Labour’s disrespect for these public sector workers begs the question:  What is the point of Labour? **

** There isn’t one!

Teaching assistants are set to march on the 25th through Durham to Redhills. Support them by joining them if you can. If you can’t make it, please help make sure you spread the word that regardless your political beliefs, in this May’s elections, a big message is sent by kicking Labour out of County Hall once and for all.

Lib Dem action gets MORE crossing safety improvements at Arnison Centre

Following on from getting the raised crossing near Frankie and Bennies sorted, we have managed to get signs and crossing markings for the crossing point which runs to the Underpass and on to Rosemount estate and Lidl.

It took a few weeks to find out who was responsible and the helping hand of an example of how dangerous it was from a resident to get this sorted but  we are grateful to Sainsbury’s for once again taking action to improve the area.

The other crossing point at KFC has also been remarked after our requests.

We ask motorists to take care at these crossings as they are very well used.


Richmond and Salisbury Play Park drainage / surfaces – Council failure to act

Last summer we asked for improvements to the surfaces at Richmond Park. The Council did replace one piece of old damaged equipment after 18 months of asking however the surfaces have still not been touched.

Following further complaints from the public we have again asked for action including sorting out the drainage. It really isn’t acceptable for Council owned play areas to be left in this kind of condition, especially given that we are told that there is money in the pot to carry out repairs.

We are increasingly concerned that it’ taking far to long for such repairs in our area and have complained again this week.

Over at Salisbury Road Play area, we have had to elevate complaints as well. It’s over 4 months since we asked for remedial action and still the Council has not even ordered the works.

Needless to say we are on the war path over this and will now be chasing the Council weekly for updates.



Pity Me patching works

A few times in recent months we have raised concerns about the break up of various main roads in the area. Today some repair works have taken place on Pity Me Front Street as a result. We also asked for work on Car House Drive and will be checking if this has been done too. Let us know about any potholes or where roads are starting to break up and we will try to get the Council to take action.

Work underway in Pity Me this week:

Chasing up on Rosemount estate cleanliness

On our extensive walkabouts we frequently find areas which haven’t been cleaned up by the Council. Sometimes its areas we’ve asked before for action on, frequently it’s first requests.

Generally the Council is very good at sorting these things if we go direct to officers, however we frequently find the automated system simply doesn’t work.

If you’ve reported anything like this in our area and have not seen action, please email us with photos and details and we will get right on to it.



Framwellgate Moor litter pick reinstated after Lib Dem intervention

We reported last week that we’ve had no litter picks from Friday afternoon to Monday on Framwellgate Moor Front Street for the last month and it’s really been noticeable.

The Labour-run council made these changes without any consultation or even telling us as councillors.

As soon as we found out we kicked into action and I’m very pleased to say that the afternoon litter pick on a Friday has been reinstated so bins will not be overflowing all weekend and litter will not be left flying around the place.

If we hadn’t intervened as your Lib Dem councillors Framwellgate Moor would have started to go back to as it was when we had Labour councillors. Those who lived around here 10 years ago will remember the horrendous state of the litter. It’s never possible to get it perfect but our actions on this and on the takeaways should continue to keep it tidier than would otherwise be the case.

If there are any areas with litter in Newton Hall, Framwellgate Moor, Brasside, Pity Me or Finchale Abbey Village please let us know so we can get it sorted quickly.

Brackenfield Road driveways well on their way – looking great – another Local Lib Dem success

Houses and flats along Brackenfield Road which are owned by Durham City Homes (Former Council houses) are currently getting new driveways and parking areas installed thanks to the work of your Lib Dem councillors.

The street has horrendous parking problems, to the extent that its almost impossible even to get a road sweeper or refuse wagon safely down it on many days. All this is now changing and should make life much easier for all residents on the street. It follows our success in getting similar schemes in Lilac Avenue, Hudspeth Crescent and The Avenue.

This should have been done when Labour were running council housing, but like so many things it didn’t. We continue to work with Durham City Homes (Durham Housing Group) to improve our area and hope for more successes in the future.

Finchale Training college to be knocked down – planning concessions secured by Lib Dems

Finchale Training College will be knocked down to make way for new housing.

We have secured various concessions to this after finding issues with the proposals.

  1. The Council repeatedly refused to agree to reduce the speed limit past the site. I had to intervene and speak with the Director of Regeneration at the Council over this, otherwise I would not have been minded to support the application. The speed limit is 60mph and there is a difficult bend. This speed limit should have been reduced years ago but the council refused. I’m happy to report they have not only agreed to go out to consultation before development starts but also that the developer will pay for the costs of implementing this. 1-0 Lib Dem councillors.
  2. Development sites require a contribution towards various improvements in the area. Developers always try to get all of this inside the site, leaving nothing to improve the local community. We have been successful in making sure that public art and open spaces funding can be spent in the wider electoral division as well as near the site, and that this money cannot be used to pay for other improvements the developer wants – they’ll have to use their own money. 2-0 Lib Dem councillors.
  3. Whilst most of the site is brownfield/already developed, it is surrounded by greenbelt and it was essential that proper conditions were placed on ensuring trees and landscaping on the site were retained and improved. Following our intervention this has been conditioned and residents will be consulted on the final landscaping plans. 3-0 Lib Dem councillors.

All in all a good day, with 20% affordable housing also included and funding for the charity safeguarded, as well as a cast iron agreement that the charity will have its new headquarters within County Durham!